Foster Academic Excellence
Our commitment to academic excellence means continuously providing the types of learning experiences that students need to make a difference when they graduate.
By funding support for academic excellence, we can provide students with experiential learning opportunities through graduate assistantships, research, global and service learning, and academic enrichment services including career exploration and learning support. It’s how our students have achieved excellence and success in their academic and professional careers again and again.
At the heart of our reputation for excellence in academics is our outstanding faculty, who use an array of engaging and innovative tools and methods to enhance and individualize learning for each student. Our enrollment is increasing in numbers and diversity, and we must meet this growth with funding to recruit and develop top-quality faculty to carry forward our traditions of success.
Just like our students and faculty, we’re continuously striving for excellence in all that we do. That’s why we’re asking for your support on this ambitious campaign journey – so that we can further enrich Gannon’s academic experience, offer innovative research and program opportunities, and recruit and retain the best faculty.