Naming Opportunities
Build on Our Winning Momentum
This project is a signature of Gannon’s Believe. Inspire. Transform. Gannon’s Next Century campaign, adding to rapid progress toward the $100 million goal.
You can join us on building on the momentum of modernizing our Highmark Events Center by engaging in key naming opportunities listed below.

- Grand Lobby
- VIP Area/Recruiting Lounge
- Hall of Fame Display
- Sports Medicine Room
- Championship Display
- Concession Area
- Visitor's Locker Room
- Women's Basketball Locker Room
- Volleyball Locker Room
- North and South Scoreboards (2)
- Radio/Media Broadcasting Booth
- Home and Visitor's Team Benches (2)
- Digital Scorers Table
- Sound System
- Reserved Seats Sections (4)
- Women's Basketball Player Lounge
- Volleyball player lounge
- Building History Display
- Weight Room
- Bleachers Section (4)
- North and South Exit Lobbies (2)
Secured Gifts
- Facility Naming Rights
- Court
- Men's Basketball Locker Room
- Men's Basketball Head Coach Office
- Women's Basketball Head Coach Office
- Men's Basketball Player Lounge
- North Ticket Gate
- South Ticket Gate